Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tluhauc, Mexico: 8/3-13/2007

A Journey in Faithfulness (not mine, not the team's, but God's Faithfulness) began with a restless night (make that a couple of hours) of attempted sleep at a church in Chicago, followed by an early morning wait for NWA (read "North Worst Airlines) ticket counter folks to arrive. Once checked in and on board, we had an uneventful flight to Detroit, followed by a great cup of CARIBOU COFFEE (available in the Detroit airport...why not O'hare or Mitchell??). Our 3+ hour flight to Mexico City was smooth and relaxing, with a meal served to boot.

Upon arrival, an army of local believers was present to help us with luggage and transportation to the suburb of Tluhuac on the southeastern edge of the largest city in the world. The colors and sights were awesome, the people smiling and friendly, the reception far more than we deserved.

God is faithful...leading others to His Son, providing health and strength to the team, and blessing us with new incredible friendships that we trust will last through eternity.


"-ish" time is more relaxing and more relationship-focused than North American time

-People with little to give often give more than they have to those of us who have more than we should.

-Futbol (soccer) can be played with the heart when the feet don't know what on earth they're doing.

-"In a Park," like many ideas, can be easily "lost in translation"

-Don't believe the skeptics re: temperature in Mexico in August; children on mission trips; hail storms in worship!

-God knows where the funds come from and where they end up, even when we don't have a clue.

-Seeking God (like seeking a precious jewel - say a diamond from a wedding ring?) - to give up I'd be a fool.

-Children are more apt to continue seeking long after adults have given up.

-I am, way too often, a fool.

-Preaching through an interpreter leaves all results to His Holy Spirit - Gloria Dios!

-God's gifting is to be used for His glory...and must be...even after the world seems to steal it from you.

-I miss the pulpit; I love cross-cultural ministry; I feel God's pleasure when I am about both.

-My wife Sue is my best friend and partner in all the world...I love her so very much and serving God with her is the VERY BEST.

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