Monday, December 3, 2007

Hmmm...Could this be the one?

Eleven years ago, I purchased a used snowblower from a dear friend in ministry. The machine had just been gone over by a local repair shop, and was set to go. But now, all these winters later, the tires (hard rubber, not inflated) are worn down to no tread, the motor doesn't want to start, and even when it does, it struggles to move snow at all. I end up huffing and puffing a lot ...almost as much as when I shovel.

So, I've started to look at getting a different snowblower. This one, by Craftsman, has pretty good reviews, has lots of power and features that would make cleaning the driveway a LOT simpler.

But...yeah, I'm not sure purchasing it now.

Need to think more...look more...pray more.

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