Wednesday, March 26, 2008

ReThinking Mission Trips

Here's real "food for thought". I've been on a handful of overseas mission trips, and Claudio has it right I think...have a look, take some time....think about it.

Thanks to Randy for directing me to this rethinking.

1 comment:

Ralph said...

I enjoyed seeing and listening to that Mike, and I do think that for today, the short term mission trip has a purpose. Why even Philip was sent to a place, and then all of a sudden the Holy Spirit took him to another place. Should maybe the question be, are our Deacons/Elders becoming missionaries like Philip? Instead of building and watching over Mega structures? Only kidding ;-).

I've gotten to know a brother at FAC who is a missionary on leave from Brazil for a year and a half, and it was good for him to come home to be refueled so to say. He however is planning on going back again by the end of the summer. I think both kinds of missionaries are needed, one develops "friendships" nurtured with prayer, the other is more long term, helps local churches with outreaches and such, and to be near to the culture and better understand it.

Might we say that God the Holy Spirit uses all means availble, so maybe people just need to become available, and He will do the rest? Like the deacon Philip.